What’s Up at the Courthouse

We’re months into the pandemic and there’s still no clear end in sight.  You may be wondering if it’s possible to move forward in a divorce or modification before we’re back to “normal”.   The short answer is yes. Physical access to the courthouse is still limited and varies week to week, and county by county as the local situation …

Court: Where to go, where to park, etc…

On my last post we talked about day-to-day questions about court appearances and how preparation for court can make your court day go easier.  Other questions we are regularly asked are where to park, how long court will take, and what should you do when you get there. If you are scheduled in Saint Louis County Court, there is a …

Day in Court

Little Details About Your Day in Court

When you must appear in court, Amato Family Law will have you prepared. You will know what to expect and how to handle the events of the day, whether it’s a brief settlement conference or a day of trial. We understand that even with this preparation, court days can be nerve wracking and inconvenient and even the small matters may loom …