Your mediator should require each of you to bring to the mediation complete documentation of all your assets, debts, income and expenses.
Non-Adversarial Divorce
Unlike divorce litigation, a non-adversarial divorce requires the commitment of both of you to work towards an agreement outside of the courtroom.
Talking to Kids About Divorce
Do you and your soon to be ex-spouse know how to talk to you kids about a pending divorce?
Co-Parenting During the Holidays
Holidays, for children of divorce, are just plain hard. The holiday season can remind them that their family is divided, and they may feel they are being pulled in every direction. Consider these holiday co-parenting tips from Kids in the Middle to make the season bright for your kids: Co-Parenting Tips for the Holidays Have questions or need more help? …
Back to School Expenses
Having trouble managing your children’s expenses as school starts back up?