If you are paying or receiving child support, you may wonder what it should be used for and whether there are other expenses of your child that are required to be paid beyond the regular monthly support payment.
Non-Adversarial Divorce
Unlike divorce litigation, a non-adversarial divorce requires the commitment of both of you to work towards an agreement outside of the courtroom.
Talking to Kids About Divorce
Do you and your soon to be ex-spouse know how to talk to you kids about a pending divorce?
Back to School Expenses
Having trouble managing your children’s expenses as school starts back up?
Tax Issues and Divorce
The following is a list of common the tax issues to consider and discuss with your lawyer or tax advisor before finalizing the terms of your agreement.
What does “no fault” divorce really mean in Missouri?
Conduct does not impact grounds for divorce There is sometimes a misconception that as Missouri is a “no-fault” state, misconduct during a marriage is not relevant. Missouri is a “no-fault” state, but the meaning of “no-fault” is that one only need prove that there is “no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved and that therefore the marriage is …