Is it a Good Idea to Bring a Friend to Your Consultation with Your Lawyer?

An initial consultation with a lawyer, particularly when relating to a family matter, can be a stressful time, making it difficult to think clearly.  Some clients ask to bring a friend, sibling or parent to the meeting for assistance or moral support.  Although this may seem helpful, it is not always a good idea. Waiving the attorney-client privilege and confidentiality When you bring a …

Mediation Options in the Midst of Litigation

In an ideal divorce mediation process, the couple begins the dissolution of their marriage by meeting with the mediator, rather than with court filings.  They work over a series of mediation sessions to gather information, identify interests, generate options and ultimately reach an agreement that works for both of them.  Their lawyers support them from the sidelines during the mediation …

Working on settlement

Drafting Settlement Agreements

Even the most contentious divorces more often end in an agreement rather than a trial.  Therefore it’s as important that your lawyer is as skilled in drafting agreements as in trial practice.  Ann Vatterott and I recently authored an article which was published in the spring edition of the Saint Louis Bar Journal directed to practicing attorneys which addresses some …

Court: Where to go, where to park, etc…

On my last post we talked about day-to-day questions about court appearances and how preparation for court can make your court day go easier.  Other questions we are regularly asked are where to park, how long court will take, and what should you do when you get there. If you are scheduled in Saint Louis County Court, there is a …

Day in Court

Little Details About Your Day in Court

When you must appear in court, Amato Family Law will have you prepared. You will know what to expect and how to handle the events of the day, whether it’s a brief settlement conference or a day of trial. We understand that even with this preparation, court days can be nerve wracking and inconvenient and even the small matters may loom …