Court: Where to go, where to park, etc…

On my last post we talked about day-to-day questions about court appearances and how preparation for court can make your court day go easier.  Other questions we are regularly asked are where to park, how long court will take, and what should you do when you get there.

If you are scheduled in Saint Louis County Court, there is a public parking lot directly to the south of the courthouse.  There is also a metered parking lot on Carondelet Avenue just east, across the street from the court house.  Occasionally metered parking on the street is also available.  If you prefer you may park at our office and walk the few blocks to court.  We can provide you with a parking token and you won’t have to worry about feeding your parking meter.

If you are in court downtown we recommend parking in the City Hall parking lot which is located behind (south) of City Hall and walking the few blocks to the court house.  The address of City Hall is 1200 Market Street, Saint Louis, MO  63103.   This parking lot is cash-only.  It is also sometimes possible to find a spot on the street close to the City Court House, but again feeding your meter may be an issue, so we recommend parking in a lot.

How long you will be in court is a harder question to answer.  While this depends on the nature of the proceeding, we know from experience that there is no way to advise you with certainty as to exactly how long you will need to be in court.  Sometimes things go smoothly and take less time than anticipated and other times the court’s docket is busy or other issues arise that require you to be in court for longer than anticipated.  Almost always there is waiting time so we recommend that you bring something to read.  We also recommend that you bring a power bar or other small snack.  If you find yourself involved in a negotiation or a hearing that runs through lunch or late into the afternoon you will hold up better and feel less stressed if you are not hungry.  If you have children and are scheduled for court in the afternoon, it’s best to make arrangements for their care after school so that you won’t be worried if things run longer than expected.

When you arrive at court and find your courtroom, if you don’t see us in the hallway it’s fine to go into the courtroom and take a seat while you wait.  If there are proceedings occurring you may observe them and appreciate the opportunity to see your Judge in action.  If the Judge is in the courtroom it’s important to remain quiet and have your cell phone turned off.  If you prefer you may also wait on the benches outside of the courtroom.

The lawyers at Amato Family Law realize that court days can be stressful and inconvenient and hope that these few tips will at least make them more comfortable for our clients.

Thumbnail photo courtesy of army.arch’s photo stream on Flickr.